What is Vega Therapy Services?
Vega Therapy Services is a holistic health and wellness therapy practice and movement studio that utilizes integrative functional manual therapy, nutrition, herbal medicine, red light therapy, and movement education to alleviate pain, restore movement, heal illness, and foster self-growth.
Vega Therapy Services promotes a lifestyle aimed at balancing the body, mind, and spirit. We promise to empower your health and well-being.
Vega Therapy Services’ mission is to provide effective holistic care for pain management, rehabilitation, and healing of various illnesses and bodily dysfunctions. Vega Therapy Services works with adults, adolescents, children, and infants.
Taking care of others is what we do. While we are a for-profit business, we intend on offering our services regardless of profit. We operate from what we call a “True Care” stance.
True Care
We aim to offer comprehensive, sensible, evidence-based, integrative healthcare services regardless of one’s financial situation. If one is in need but financially incapable of payment, there are sliding scale, payment plan, and donation-based options available.
We will not turn away those in pain or ailing due to monetary constraints.
Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask if you have questions or are in need. Not a day goes by where we are not ready to assist in your health and healing.